Dried Blood Stains
on Cloth & Clothes
When searching for vintage clothes, you need to be especially watchful for dried blood stains. You need to especially watch out for them in women's clothes. If buying a pantsuit, make sure to check the inside for blood stains. Don't just look at the outside and say, "What a great buy!" Been there, done that.
So when that happened, I went out to the internet and googled until I found a solution. The solution turns out to be hydrogen peroxide. Hold the blood stained cloth over something that will allow you to pour hydrogen peroxide over it. Soak the stain and let it fizzle. Once the bubbling stops, pour more on it. As you do this, you'll notice that the blood spot becomes smaller and smaller. Repeat until none of the blood remains. You can rub it with your finger as you do this to speed up the process. This method seems to work with multiple stains from organic substances, so keep it in mind.
Additionally, if that does not get the full stain out, add some baking soda and work up a paste with a brush, like a toothbrush. Brush the paste in a rinse with the hydrogen peroxide. Hope this helps. :-) Please comment on your success or failure with this method. The thread where I found this method folks posted only successes with it.